Prof. habil. dr. Rimantas Barauskas
Kauno Technologijos Universitetas, Informatikos fak.
Taikomosios informatikos katedra

Investigation of dynamics-induced errors of long line scale calibration systems
Aurimas Jakštas, Saulius Kaušinis, Rimantas Barauskas, Albinas Kasparaitis, Algimantas Barakauskas.

The article treats the issue of embedding the traceable length metrology directly into technologicalprocess by performing precise dynamic measurements of line scale in real industrialenvironment. It addresses the error-related problems specific to line scale calibrationin dynamic mode of operation that are caused primarily by static and dynamic loads aswell as geometrical deviations of the calibration system components. Introducing thedynamic regime of calibration leads to the dynamic calibration error originating due tovibration sources in the structure. This term should be considered and implicated in themeasurement uncertainty budget. A new 3D finite element model has been developed inorder to both investigate the influence of dynamical excitations of a long stroke comparatorstructure and evaluate possible influence of vibrations on geometrical dimensions of theline scale. The experiments have been conducted on the new interferometer-controlledcomparator setup with a moving microscope in order to evaluate the performance of theprecision scale calibration process.
Duomenų bazėScopus; Compendex; INSPEC; Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Academic Search Premier.
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