Prof. habil. dr. Rimantas Barauskas
Kauno Technologijos Universitetas, Informatikos fak.
Taikomosios informatikos katedra

Highly convergent dynamic models obtained by modal synthesis with application to short wave pulse propagation
Rimantas Barauskas, Ramutė Barauskienė.

A general approach for obtaining the matrices of a substructure ensuring minimum modal frequency errors of the whole structure is presented. The mass and stiffness matrices of a small component domain of selected dimension are obtained by applying the modal synthesis of a limited number of close-to-exact modes such that after assembling a larger joined domain model the modal convergence rate of the latter should be as high as possible. The goal is achieved by formulating the minimization problem for the penalty-type target function representing the cumulative relative modal frequency error of the joined sample domain and by applying the gradient descent minimization method. After the optimum matrices of a component domain are obtained, they can be used in any structure as higher-order elements or super-elements. The well-known generalized mass matrices obtained as a weighted sum of lumped and consistent components can be treated as a special case of the presented approach. The obtained dynamic models are used for modelling short transient waves and wave pulses propagating in elastic or acoustic environments by using a only a few nodal points per pulse length.
MiestasWest Sussex
LeidėjasJohn Wiley & Sons
PublikacijaInternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2004, Vol. 61, no. 14, p. 2536-2554
Duomenų bazėCompendex; INSPEC; ISI Web of Science.
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